Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Smoking: Taking You A Step Closer To Oropharyngeal Cancer

Smoking, they say, is the leading cause of lung cancer world-wide. A recent study shows that, in the United States alone, 157,200 people have died of smoking-related lung cancer. Some of which are caused directly by smoking, and some due to second hand smoke. However the effect of smoking does not only stop at lung cancer.

Smoking and cancer

Statistics show that smoking attributes to 54% of mouth cancers, 50% of esophageal cancers, and 70% of cancer of the larynx. And also, in relation to men and women’s sexual health, smoking increases risks of cervical cancer by 19 to 80% depending on the frequency of consumption, and it also increases risks of penile cancer by 50%.

These numbers certainly prove that smokers are at a bigger likelihood to develop a lot of different kinds of cancers as compared to non-smokers. Male smokers have a 20% increased chances of developing lung cancer while women have a 13% increased risk.

Tobacco smoke is composed of four thousand different harmful substances, chemicals, and toxins. Sixty out of those four thousand chemicals are known to cause cancer. These cancer causing toxins are mainly found in tar that smokers inhale from a cigarette. About 70% of that tar stays inside the lungs. Studies have shown that benzpyrene, one of the carcinogens found in tar, damages and slowly destroys genes responsible for fighting cancer causing cells and subsequently prevent development of cancerous tumors. In almost 60% of smoking-induced cancers, these genes were seen to be damaged.

Oral or throat cancer

Oropharyngeal cancer may involve the lips, mouth, tongue, gums, salivary glands, esophagus, larynx, thyroid glands, and/or the cells lining the throat. Its earliest symptom may be a pale lump inside the mouth that will not seem to heal. An estimated 7,000 Americans die of oropharyngeal cancer yearly. Smoking may cause cancer development in the mouth alone, on the throat alone, or a combination of both. Symptoms of oropharyngeal cancer may include the following:

o A sore in your mouth that doesn't heal or increases in size.

o Persistent pain in your mouth.

o Lumps or white, red or dark patches inside your mouth.

o Thickening of your cheek.

o Difficulty chewing or swallowing or moving your tongue.

o Difficulty moving your jaw, or swelling or pain in your jaw.

o Soreness in your throat or feeling that something is caught in your throat.

o Pain around your teeth, or loosening of your teeth.

o Numbness of your tongue or elsewhere in your mouth.

o Bad breath.

o A swelling or lump in the throat.

o A persistent cough.

o Blood-flecked phlegm.

o The sensation of something permanently stuck in the throat.

o Voice changes, such as persistent hoarseness or huskiness.

o Throat pain.

o Referred pain into the ears.

o Swallowing difficulties.

o Breathing difficulties.

o Swollen lymph glands.

o Gastrointestinal disorders, such as excessive reflux, diarrhea or constipation.


Treatment of oropharyngeal cancer will depend on the size, type, and location of the cancer and whether it has already spread. It may include one or a combination of the following:

o Surgery. This includes surgical removal of the tumor and its affected organs. The amount of tissue to be removed may depend on the size of the tumor and the mass it has already affected.

o Radiation therapy. This includes exposing the cancer causing cells to small, precise doses of radiation.

o Chemotherapy. It involves the use of cancer cell-killing medications that is used in conjunction to radiation therapy.

o Long term monitoring. This may include regular examinations and x-rays to check that the cancer has not come back.

o Rehabilitation therapy. This includes assistance from health professionals such as dietitians, speech therapists, and physiotherapists to regain motor functions of the affected areas.

The best way to avoid getting yourself into this situation is to avoid smoking. It is understandable that this will be difficult to do if you’re a chain smoker. Cutting back on cigarette consumption may help to gradually get you into the path to being smoke free. All it takes in enough will power and discipline to keep yourself healthy and cancer-free.

Smoking Increases Lung Cancer Risks

It would almost seem like a given in this day and age that people would know and understand that smoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer. Secondhand smoke has even been linked with increased lung cancer risks. Even were a person to never smoke a cigarette or be subjected to secondhand smoke, the possibility of lung cancer remains very real. But smoking cigarettes is nothing short of adding more bullets to a gun being used to play Russian Roulette—eventually, the odds of getting lung cancer will become impossible to ignore.

In a normal body, cells grow and divide in an orderly manner. However, this order can break down. When this collapse in order occurs, cells begin dividing and growing at will and chaos results. This resulting chaos and breakdown of normal cell growth is called cancer.

Normally, cancer will appear as a tumor, or perhaps even the dreaded “growth”. In some cases, the cancer will remain isolated to a particular spot or organ. However, it is not entirely uncommon for cancer to spread beyond its initial area into other regions of the body or organs. Spreading cancer is also known as metastasis. Lung cancer has been known to spread into other organs of the body and speed the demise of the patient.

Tobacco is a known and proven carcinogen. A carcinogen is any cancer-causing agent. However, just because something is a carcinogen does not necessarily mean that coming into contact one like tobacco smoke will not guarantee lung cancer in your future. Scientists can, on the other hand, tell you how much more likely you are to get lung cancer if you continue to expose your body to tobacco smoke.

The risks of lung cancer due to tobacco smoke are too great to ignore. A person smoking one pack a day has increased their odds for getting lung cancer by 30 X’s or more when compared to a nonsmoker. And, the more cigarettes you smoke every day, the greater those odds become. Plus, the number of years a person smokes continually increases their chances of developing lung cancer or other smoking-related diseases such as emphysema.

So, if someone were to quit smoking today after having done so for 10 years, how long do you think it would take for their risks of getting lung cancer to return to normal? Believe it or not, it takes 15 years after a person quits smoking for their odds to equal those of a nonsmoker of the same age—15 years!!

Lung cancer is a merciless killer of thousands of Americans each and every year. It generally takes decades of smoking to lead to the condition but it has been found in people in their 20’s who smoked since they were teenagers. Worse still, lung cancer is a very painful condition that can truly make the last months of life a true burden to bear. While you can still develop lung cancer even if you never smoke, the odds for developing this painful disease increase dramatically when tobacco is part of your life. If you are a smoker, tomorrow may very well be too late to quit so make sure you kick the habit today or prepare to see lung cancer in your future tomorrow.

Prostrate cancer treatment

Prostrate cancer is the disease which is found more in men than women. It can be cured if it is found in the initial stage, so no need to get tensed you can come out of it without any harm.

Prostate cancer is a disease in which cancer develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Cancer cells may spread from the prostate cancer to other parts of the body, especially the bones and lymph nodes. This cancer develops most frequently in men over fifty. However, many men who develop prostate cancer never have symptoms, undergo no therapy, and eventually die of other causes.

When cells in the prostate grow abnormally, they form multiple small cancerous tumors. If the cancer is left untreated, it will at some point metastasize and begin to spread to other organs in the body via the bloodstream and lymphatic system.

Prostrate Cancer: Who's at Risk
1.Age: Prostrate cancer is got to the men who are at the age above 50.
2.Family history: A man is at higher risk if the father or brother is suffering from this disease.
3.Race: This disease is more in African American men than in other men.
4.Diet and dietary factors: The diet in the animal fat may create for higher risk for prostrate cancer and the diet in the vegetables and fruits may decrease the risk for
prostrate cancer.

What causes prostrate cancer.
While nobody knows what causes prostate cancer, there are some recognised risk factors:
· Risk increases over the age of 50 years. When the man starts growing older he gets attacked with this. Prostate cancer is rare in younger men.
· If your father or brother had prostate cancer, then can get at it is at high risk increases. If they had it at a young age, your risk is even higher.
· High fat, lots of red meat. Countries with low fat and low meat diets
have low levels of prostate cancer.
· Being overweight is a major risk factor for all cancers.

Recognising symptoms

* A need to urinate frequently, especially at night;
* Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine;
* Inability to urinate;
* Weak or interrupted flow of urine;
* Painful or burning urination;
* Difficulty in having an erection;
* Painful ejaculation;
* Blood in urine or semen; or
* Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.

Treatment of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer treatment generally depends on several different factors present in each case of the disease. The type of prostate cancer, the size of the cancer, its location, as well the health condition of the patient all play a part in how prostate cancer will be treated. Often, prostate cancer is a slow progressing disease although this is not always the case, but this is no excuse to procrastinate. Cure rates are very high if treatment begins while the cancer is in its early stages, but drop steeply once the cancer metastasizes. Get tested today - no pain, much gain!

Obviously, the sooner prostate cancer is found and diagnosed, the better the chance of recovery. Success in prostate cancer treatment will depend on a number of factors including the progression of the disease upon discovery, where the cancer is located, the age and health of the patient, and how it reacts to treatment.

Treatments other than conventional western medicine are usually considered "alternative therapies." They usually are not backed by scientific data but by years of use. Some alternative therapies date back thousands of years. These medicines do not have any harm at all they are natural treatments.

Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate – The World’s Largest Selling Breast Cancer Treatment!

Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate is oral anti-oestrogen, and the world’s largest selling breast cancer treatment. In 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate for diminishing the occurrence of breast cancer in women who is at high risk of developing the disease. With Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate, it is achievable to reverse a subsisting growth process of dead tissue and stop further growth.

Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate is also called Istubal - Tamoxifen Citrate or Valodex - Tamoxifen Citrate. Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate has proved competence when cancer has reached to other body parts. A further new indication for Nolvadex is also sanctioned by the FDA for reducing contralateral breast cancer. Tests for paediatric use of Nolvadex are in progress. Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate is not an anabolic or androgenic steroid. It belongs to the group of sex hormones.

In the late 80’s, Dan Duchaine stated that Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate could also be used by muscle-builders to close down the growth of the other type of tumor in the mammary gland, Gynocomastia. Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate is commonly named as a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator), as an anti-estrogen and also a triphenylethylene. It is also prescribed to minimize the risk of invasive breast cancer following surgery and radiation therapy for ductal carcinoma in situ.

The side effects of Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate are generally low in doses of up to 30 mg on a daily basis. Nausea, hot flashes, numbness, vomiting and blurred vision can happen rarely. In women irregular menstrual cycles can occur that manifest themselves in weaker menstrual bleeding or even complete missing of a period. It increases the chances of developing uterine cancer. Women should have gynecological examinations on regular intervals. They should also be careful not to get pregnant while taking Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate.

Muscle-builders who take Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate also make use of anabolic steroids simultaneously. Various musclemen like to use Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate at the end of a steroid cycle since it raises the body’s testosterone production. Jocks who have propensities toward gynecomastia, strong water retention and increased fat deposits with steroids such as D-bol, Testoviron Depot, Anadrol, and Deca Durabolin frequently take 20-30 mg Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate per day. The blended application of Nolvadex 20-30 mg/day and Proviron 25-50 mg/day leads to outstanding outcomes.

Take Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate correctly as prescribed. Don’t stop taking Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate without consulting the doctor. Before starting Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate, it is also important to tell the physician about all allergies, problems, infections or other important things.

Green Tea Protection Against Stomach Cancer

Article Body:

Over the last few years, scientists have discovered compelling evidence that green tea protects our bodies against many serious diseases, including cancer. Though the research continues, it seems that it’s safe to conclude that adding green tea to your diet is likely a great way to protect your health.

One of the most serious cancers in our time is stomach cancer. Though its incidence has declined in recent years, it is still the second most common cancer in the world. In addition, chronic gastritis is a common problem today, and many doctors believe that those with chronic gastritis are more likely to develop stomach cancer in the future.

In Yangzhong, China, researchers from the UCLA School of Public health studied a total of 732 patients. 133 of these patients had stomach cancer, 166 had chronic gastritis and 433 were healthy and used for control purposes.

After adjusting the study for age and other factors like smoking, heavy alcohol consumption and body mass index, the study concluded that drinking green tea did, in fact, reduce your overall risk of developing gastritis and stomach cancer.

This news is very exciting; particularly to those who are at high risk for developing gastritis and stomach cancer.

Who should be concerned about developing stomach cancer?

As with any other disease, there are certain factors that make you more susceptible to developing stomach cancer. Following are risk factors for developing this type of cancer. You can better assess your risk by seeing how many of these risk factors apply to you.

Helicobacter pylori infection: This infection of the stomach is fairly rare in the US, but can be found among many people in other countries, including Eastern Europe. Many doctors believe that long term infection with this bacteria is a major contributor to development of stomach cancer. The infection usually leads to chronic gastritis and makes changes to the lining of the stomach, which can cause cancer.

Diet – Those who eat a large amount of smoked foods, salted fish and meats and pickled vegetables have a higher risk of developing stomach cancer. These products contain large amounts of nitrites, which are believed to lead to cancer. On the other hand, if your diet is rich with fresh fruits and vegetables, you can reduce your risk of stomach cancer.

Tobacco and alcohol abuse: Your risk of developing stomach cancer doubles if you smoke. In addition, it is believed that alcohol abuse also contributes to stomach cancer, though this has not been proven.

Obesity: Obesity increases your risk of developing stomach cancer, particularly in the part of your stomach closest to your esophagus.

Having Previous stomach surgery: Certain types of stomach surgery, including surgery to remove part of the stomach for treatment of ulcers or other diseases, increases the risk of developing stomach cancer later on.

Having Type A Blood – Scientists don’t really know why, but people with Type A blood have a slightly higher risk of developing stomach cancer.

History of Cancer in your family – If you have first degree relatives who have had stomach cancer, colorectal cancer or breast cancer, you have an increased risk of developing stomach cancer. There are certain inherited genetic disorders that make you more prone to certain cancers. If your family members have had these other cancers, you may possess this genetic disorder.

Stomach polyps: Polyps are non-cancerous growths on the lining of the stomach that can turn into cancer. One particular type of polyps, called adenomas appear to increase your risk of developing stomach cancer.

Geography: Stomach cancer is most common in Japan, China, Southern and Eastern Europe, and South and Central America. It is least common in Northern and Western Africa, South Central Asia, and North America.

Epstein-Barr virus: This is the virus causes infectious mononucleosis. Almost everyone is infected with the virus at some time in their lives, and it has been linked to some forms of lymphoma. But, it has been detected in 5-10% of people with stomach cancer, too. It usually causes a slow growing, less aggressive cancer. Doctors don’t quite understand the relationship between this virus and cancer.

Other Factors: Stomach cancer is more than twice as common in men as it is in women, and is more common in Hispanics and African Americans than in non-Hispanic whites. It is most common in Asians and Pacific Islanders. It is also more common after the age of 50, with a significant increase in incidence once you reach your late 60’s.

If you have more than three of these risk factors, you may need to be concerned about the development of stomach cancer later in life. Drinking green tea, along with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may be one of the most important things you can do to protect your health.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cancer and Make-up: Is There A Link?

The cosmetic industry is a huge business around the world that makes billions off consumers every year. Probably each and every one of us use a number of cosmetic products such as soaps, body cleansers, moisturizers, and make-up on a daily basis. In fact, according to a 2004 study conducted by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, women use an average of 12 cosmetic products a day. When we are applying these products on and all around our bodies, we’re probably not thinking about the tearless shampoo we have in our hands as a possible danger to our health. Shockingly, recent studies have shown that a large percentage of common household cosmetic products that a lot of us probably have in our homes right now contain a substance that can be harmful to our health and cause cancer.

1,4-Dioxane is a petroleum-derived contaminant that is thought to be a probable human carcinogen according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. And according to the National Toxicology Program, it is a known carcinogen in animals. It is listed on California’s Proposition 65 list of chemicals that are either suspected or known to cause cancer and birth defects. 1,4-Dioxane is a byproduct that appears during the manufacturing of cosmetics. Although it can easily be taken out during the manufacturing process for pennies, it is often not. The Food and Drug Administration does not require companies to list it as an ingredient on their labels because it is produced during the manufacturing process.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. Jeanne Rizzo, R.N., the executive director of the Breast Cancer Fund and a founding member of The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics stated, “Regrettably, 1,4-Dioxane contamination is just the tip of the iceberg…Because the FDA does not require cosmetic products to be approved as safe before they are sold, companies can put unlimited amounts of toxic chemicals in cosmetics.” Incredibly, the FDA has no legal authority to require safety standards on cosmetic manufacturers and has only been able to ask companies to remove the chemical on a volunteer basis.

The FDA has known about 1,4-Dioxane since 1979 and has given very mild guidelines and recommendations to manufacturers that their products should not contain greater concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane than 10 ppm, or parts per million. Even with this lenient guideline, some 15% of the products tested exceeded this limit. Some of the products that contained the highest level of 1,4-Dioxane that were tested included: Clairol Herbal Essences Rainforest Flowers Shampoo, Oil of Olay Complete Body Wash with Vitamins, Johnson and Johnson’s Watermelon Explosion Kid’s Shampoo, Hello Kitty Bubble Bath, Disney Clean as a Bee Hair and Body Wash, and Gerber Grins and Giggles Gentle & Mild Aloe Vera Baby Shampoo.

If this is alarming to you, beware, because the list doesn’t end there. Until the cosmetics industry is more regulated, consumers must exercise caution while shopping. A greater knowledge of ingredients and their effects will keep you and your families safe.

What Are Your Cancer Treatment Options?

There is nothing as hard to hear than to hear your doctor tell you that you have cancer. Years ago, that six letter word, cancer, implied that there wasn’t very much hope for you and there were not many cancer treatment options available. Today, there are many more cancer treatment options available and hope of beating it are everywhere. There have been many role models such as Lance Armstrong showing us that cancer can be treated and that survival is possible. They show us that survivors can lead successful and fulfilling lives. If they can do it then there is more than just hope for you.

Cancer treatment can be individually tailored to each person’s unique situation. Of cours each person is different and the treatment plan will also vary. Treatments may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, nutrition, spiritual support, naturopathic treatment as well as encouraging mind and body alternatives.

The hope of surgery is to try to remove the cancer. A surgical cancer treatment will try to remove as much of the tumor as possible. It is the one of the oldest treatments for cancer. A surgical procedure may also be done to help access the progress of the cancer and the type of cancer.

Radiation is done in a hospital and is yet another cancer treatment option that is available. A targeted radiation beam will try to destroy the cancer cells.

Chemotherapy is another cancer treatment that is available. Many times, it is used together with surgery to try to kill off any remaining cancer cells. Chemo stands for chemicals. Chemotherapy involves taking drugs. Many times, the drugs are very strong and will make the person taking chemotherapy ill.

There are also many alternative cancer treatments that can be used together with the traditional cancer treatments. Most importantly, practising healthy nutrition can help your body stay strong during a fight against cancer. More than ever, it is an excellent tool to help you help your body become stronger.

Some medical studies have been done that suggest proper spiritual support can also benefit the person fighting cancer. I heard a story of one particular man who, when he found he had cancer and only a limited time to live refused to just lay down and laughed himself back to health by continuously watching comedies. The important point was that he refused to give up.

Hope that you can win the battle is a very strong weapon in the fight against cancer. Spiritual support can help you strengthen your hope in a better, victorious future while in the fight against cancer. Naturopathic treatment will try to use the healing power of nature and to strengthen the body's natural defenses. Perhaps you may include herbs or natural supplements as part of your cancer treatment plan.

Your cancer treatment plan will most likely contain many elements. Your doctor will help you to chart your course and combine the cancer treatments that will benefit you the most. Cancer treatment options continue to grow. Today, there is more hope than ever for a successful recovery from cancer. I would also like to stress here again that a positive outlook and attitude has been found to be especially beneficial.

Breast Cancer – Problem Faced By Women

There was a time when Breast Cancer was termed to be as a dreaded disease. But things have changed now. If detected earlier, this could be easily treated. Removal of your breast during the treatment of breast cancer can be one of the painful things you would have to go through. It may not be the same case for all patients. With the increasing knowledge about the cures and treatment breast cancer can be treated very easily.

Breast cancer occurs when cell in our breasts known as tumor grow out of control causing damage to the nearby tissues and spreads throughout. These tumors which are cancerous are known as malignant tumors and cause lot of damage to your body. As it takes lot of time for a tumor to grow, it may not be easy to detect the tumor during self exam. But these can be detected with mammograms.

Breast cancers best treatment - early detection. Once, cancer is detected it becomes easier for the doctors and yourself to fight it out. By the age of 20 all women should start doing Breast Self Examination (BSE) it is one of most easiest and earliest ways of detecting cancer. These check ups should be done few days after your periods. You should do this check up at least once a month. A clinical breast exam should be done at least once a year.

Some of the signs to look for, while doing BSE

-A lump found in and around the nipple or underarm
-Change in size or shape
-Nipple discharge or nipple turning inward
-Redness of skin or warmth
-Formation of dimple or change in skin texture

Some of the causes of having breast cancer

Gender: Being a woman is one of the common reasons for suffering from breast cancer. Event though men suffer from this disease too, just being a woman puts you in lot of danger.

Age: As you grow older your chances of having breast cancer increases.

Family history: If somebody in the family has suffered from breast cancer your chances of having breast cancer increases.

Being overweight or obese: If you are an overweight women your chances of breast cancer increases after menopause.

Lack of exercise: Being lethargic and lack of any physical activity leads you towards increasing weight and chances of breast cancer

Alcohol: Drinking alcohol becomes very risky as it increases your chances of breast cancer

Methods to Prevent Breast Cancer

-Turn into a vegetarian
-Have plenty of organic food and vegetables
-Avoid red meat and any processed foods
-Avoid alcohol and colas
-You can have something sweet by having Stevia, an herb which is a substitute to any other toxic artificial sweetener
-Having whole grains is very good such as Oatmeal, Kamut and Psyllium, which are a good source of fiber and enters directly into your bloodstream
-Your diet must include wheat, bran and Cabbage as they are very nutritious food which helps to prevent breast cancer
-Garlic, Ginger, carrots, celery, cilantro, parsley and parsnip has some of the highest cancer fighting nutrients. Include them in your daily diet.

Forget the cure for cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer, or diabetes. Unless …

If you want a cure for cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer, or diabetes, don't count on the academia, the National Institute of Health (NIH), or the biotech/pharmaceutical industry. With all the money they have spent on researching these diseases, they have very little to show for it.

In 1971, during the State of the Union address, President Nixon declared the war on cancer proposing "an intensive campaign to find a cure for cancer." Since 1971, Americans spent, through taxes, donations, and private R&D, about $200 billion in inflation-adjusted dollars. This money produced 1.56 million papers on cancer. Yet, today we are no closer to a cure than we were in 1971. Why?

Consider what Dr. Almog said in his paper: Drug Industry in "depression" (Almog, D. Drug industry in "depression". Med Sci Monit. 2005 Jan;11(1):SR1-4, I would urge you to read his paper, it's an eye opener on relationship between academic research and commercial drug discovery): "When the basic science/biology of disease is not available, no new drugs come to market." With the billion of dollars spent by the NIH on basic science, and the millions of papers published on the topic, the question is, "Why isn’t the basic science/biology of disease available? Individual discoveries in the biology of human disease are cornerstone in new treatments. However, in drug discovery, these basic science/biology discoveries are seemingly unrelated dots. To connect the dots you need a theory. The Blind Men and the Elephant is a famous story about six blind men encountering an elephant for the first time. Each man, seizing on the single feature of the animal, which he appeared to have touched first, and being incapable of seeing it whole, loudly maintained his limited opinion on the nature of the beast. The elephant was considered a wall, a spear, a snake, a tree, a fan or a rope, depending on whether the blind men had first grasped the creature’s side, tusk, trunk, knee, ear or tail. The story epitomizes the problem of the reductionist approach in biology. A recent book Microcompetition with Foreign DNA and the Origin of Chronic Disease, by Hanan Polansky [11], presents an alternative. The book identifies the disruption that causes atherosclerosis, cancer, obesity, osteoarthritis, type II diabetes, alopecia, type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, asthma, lupus, thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, graft versus host disease, and other chronic diseases, and describes the sequence of events that leads from the disruption to the molecular, cellular, and clinical effects."

What are the implications of the NIH failure? A decline in the number of new drugs introduced by pharmaceutical companies. Consider what professor Taylor says in his paper: Fewer new drugs from the pharmaceutical industry (Taylor D. Fewer new drugs from the pharmaceutical industry. BMJ. 2003 Feb 22;326(7386):408-9): "In 2002 spending on medicines exceeded $400bn (£248bn; 377bn) worldwide. Optimists in the pharmaceutical industry believe that the global market for their products will go on expanding by around 10% a year, with the United States continuing to lead towards higher per capita outlays. Expenditure on research by the pharmaceutical industry is also increasing worldwide. It is now over $45bn a year---twice the sum recorded at the start of the 1990s---and projected to rise to $55bn by 2005-6. Concerns are growing, however, about the productivity of research being funded by the major pharmaceutical companies. ... Empirical evidence indicates a crisis in productivity in pharmaceutical research. The number of medicines introduced worldwide that contain new active ingredients dropped from an average of over 60 a year in the late 1980s to 52 in 1991 and only 31 in 2001. The overall number of new active substances undergoing regulatory review is still falling."

On the one hand, the expenditure on research is increasing. On the other, the number of new drugs is decreasing. The professionals call this situation the productivity crisis in drug discovery.

The NIH failed to produce the so much needed biology of chronic disease because it is caught in the reductionist mentality. Dr. Hanan Polansky offers an alternative. If we want a cure for cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer, or diabetes, we need to seriously consider his alternative.

Research Results In New Drugs And Cancer Treatments

There may be new hope for many cancer patients, their caregivers and loved ones.

That's because America's research-based pharmaceutical companies are today developing nearly 400 new medicines to treat cancer, according to a survey of ongoing research conducted by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

Many of the medicines now in development represent potential breakthrough cancer treatments, while others involve possible new uses for existing medicines.

The medicines in development are all either in clinical trials or under review by the Food and Drug Administration. They include:

• 62 for lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death in the United States;

• 49 for breast cancer, which is expected to strike more than 200,000 American women this year;

• 50 for prostate cancer, which is expected to kill more than 30,000 American men this year; and

• 35 for colorectal cancer, the third most common cancer in both men and women in the U.S.

Other potential medicines target kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, brain cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer and others. In addition, companies are working on new treatments to improve the quality of life for people undergoing cancer treatment.

"Anyone fighting cancer or anyone who has beaten it knows the importance of these medicines and this research," said Billy Tauzin, PhRMA president and CEO who is also a cancer survivor. "Sometimes, the hope that one of these new medicines will work for you is what keeps you fighting the disease."

Recent cancer research efforts have resulted in several new treatments. For example, a medicine to treat metastatic colorectal cancer is the first treatment approved that prevents the formation of new blood vessels that provide tumors with oxygen and nutrients. There's also a medicine for the treatment of nonsmall-cell lung cancer that inhibits the formation and growth of tumor cells.

Research into possible new cancer cures and treatments is today being conducted by as many as 178 biopharmaceutical companies as well as by the National Cancer Institute.

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America represents the country's leading pharmaceutical research and biotechnology companies.

Breast Cancer Treatment: Surviving Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a word that strikes fear into most of our hearts. We've seen the movies and heard such horrible stories about undergoing this difficult treatment for a disease that could very well kill us. I underwent chemo for breast cancer and know that, in some cases, the cancer isn't hard … it isn't painful … it doesn't make us sick. That's the case for most of us who have breast cancer, but don't have distant metastases. But then, they say we need to do chemo and we know we'll feel that.

Although chemo drugs haven't changed that much, and they're still terribly hard on our bodies, the management drugs have changed a lot. Chemotherapy, for many of us, isn't the show-stopper we thought it would be. Of course, each of us is different and the chemo drugs affect each of us in different ways, but, for the most part, chemo is definitely doable.

My breast cancer was Stage IIIa, with a 5.8 cm tumor, 8 of 10 lymph nodes positive, and I was only 39 years old. That bought me a ticket for the chemo ride. And I was scared out of my wits. But, I found an online breast cancer support group, at WebMD, and those women told me everything to expect and more. I went through four rounds of adriamycin and cytoxan. Both of them are some pretty stout breast cancer chemo drugs. After that, I did a controversial treatment that involved extremely high doses of cytoxan, taxol, and cisplatin, so I learned quite a bit about surviving chemotherapy.

First of all, I would highly recommend getting a port. This is a line that goes into a vein in your chest, the entrance to which sits just under your skin, right below your collarbone. It requires a quick surgery to put it in but, if you're having a mastectomy for your breast cancer, you can get the chemo port put in at the same time. If you choose not to do that, you'll have to get your chemo treatments through your veins and chemo is really hard on your veins. This means that you will, most likely, have to endure multiple attempts for them to find a vein, as time goes by. With the port, it's already in a vein, so all they have to do is stick the needle into the port to access it. If you find this uncomfortable, there is a cream they can give you called Emla cream. One of the first things I learned was to tell them the moment I was uncomfortable. It's all fixable. You'll put the Emla cream on a bit before you have to have your port accessed and it'll numb your skin.

Most breast cancer chemotherapy drugs will cause your hair to fall out. This is because chemo kills the rapidly dividing cells in your body. Your mucous areas and hair follicles are affected for this reason. That's why you may have nausea or develop mouth or throat sores. Again, all this sounds scary, but is totally manageable. Since you will probably be losing your hair, which can be quite traumatic, I would advise going wig or hat shopping before you even get your first chemo. Take a girlfriend with you and be adventurous. Try on different styles, and even colors. If you've always wanted to be a blonde, now's your chance! Make a day of it and have fun with it. Goodness knows, you have to look for that silver lining every chance you get. Also, make sure to have your nausea med prescription filled before you go so you'll have it waiting for you if you need it at home. You may be pretty tired, afterward, so don't wait till then to get those meds.

On your first chemo day, they will probably give you some steroids, intravenously or through your port, to help with the nausea. This may make you hungry; it sure did for me! But, I would recommend you don't eat your favorite food on chemo day. Chemo is manageable, but after you're all done, you may find that you have associations. For example, I used to love the cucumber melon fragrance when I was going through chemo. I had cucumber melon everything! But, to this day, the smell of cucumber melon makes my stomach do a little somersault because it reminds me of such an unpleasant time in my life. The same can happen with food. I still can't look a chicken burrito in the eye! But, I'm sure glad I didn't eat a taco because I would've hated for that to be ruined for me!

Many breast cancer chemo drugs are hard on your bladder, so be sure to drink, drink, drink. If you don't feel like drinking water, then broth, jello, or even popsicles will help. Since you've gotten your nausea meds all filled in advance, be sure to take them as prescribed, whether you think you need them or not. Chemo nausea isn't just any kind of nausea and it's much easier to stay ahead of it than to try to fix it once it occurs. If you do happen to get nauseated, and I can't stress this enough, call your doctor!!! There are many, many nausea meds and you do not have to feel sick just because you're doing chemo. Once they find the right drug for you, it will be so much easier. So, do not suffer this in silence! The same applies for if you get sores in your mouth or throat.

You will be tired from this treatment. Most of us get more tired as the treatments progress because they make our white blood cell counts drop really low. Because of this, it's a good idea to keep some Purell, or something similar, with you all the time for use when you've had to touch, for example, public restroom door handles. Your risk of infection will be much higher during this time.

If you lose your hair, it will typically happen in 10-14 days after your first chemo treatment. If you have long hair, you might want to cut it short in preparation. I know I felt so out of control of everything, during that time. When your hair comes out, it lets go quickly and in large clumps, getting all over your pillow and clogging your drain. For many women, that is more traumatic than even losing a breast. So, I figured that was the one thing I could control about this whole breast cancer thing … when my hair came out. I cut it really short, beforehand and, when it started to let go, I had my husband get the clippers and shave my head. My daughter helped and we did a little Mohawk and stripe action first!

That was my way of shaking my fist at this cancer … it might take my breasts, and it might take my hair for a while, but I beat it to the punch! It was my way of saying, "You cannot take my spirit!" You can do the same thing. Your breast cancer does not define you. It is but a speed bump in the course of your life. Strap on your gloves and step into the ring. This chemo is your biggest punch. Your spirit is your own and that breast cancer can't touch it!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Can Your New York Area Dentist Diagnose Cancer?

Visiting your New York Dentist is not the best idea if you suspect that there is a possible mouth or tongue cancer. Unfortunately, most people don't realize that there is cause for concern in the subtle changes to mouth tissue. That is probably why most of these are initially recognized during routine dental check-ups.

Ideally, anyone involved in habits that contribute to the development of oral cancers namely chewing tobacco, smoking or using snuff; would learn the symptoms of these diseases and watch for them. In a perfect world these folks would be hyper-sensitive to any lesions, discoloration or changes in oral tissue. If we all did then these cancers would be detected very early and the prognosis would be far, far better.

Perfect world scenarios rarely pan out however. People who engage in risky health practices are also likely to dismiss dental hygiene with a quick brushing now and then. Even more startling is the statistic for oral cancers among people who are involved in no risky habits. About 27 % of those contracting oral cancers have no known risk factors. That's why dentists are trained to examine and identify mouth cancers particularly on the tongue during every routine dental examination. Long before other health professionals are called into the patient's consultation the dentist has often made a preliminary diagnosis.

Some New York dentists are using new technology to help identify and mark precancerous tissues especially in "at risk" groups. These use a combination of harmless blue marking dyes and light to make the mouth screening more accurate. The new protocol, called ViziLite Plus is produced by Zila Pharmaceuticals, Inc. of Phoenix, Arizona. While this is not a revolutionary change in oral cancer screening it does use a simple concept to make the process better.

That's reason enough to keep six month dental check-ups. Of course the other main reasons are still of primary concern. But having a dentist perform a visual examination for cancer in the head and neck area every time a routine check up and cleaning is scheduled is sort of a value added bonus for the consumer in all of us!

It is estimated that the most advanced cases of oral cancer may require medical care that may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to treat. The treatment isn't anything that most people would want to go through either. Surgeries up to and including removing many parts of the mouth and tongue may be necessary. Most people can think of far better ways to spend that money. This of course makes the value of early oral cancer diagnosis more important from even a micro budgeting standpoint.

Even without health insurance these semi-annual visits are a bargain. Prevention of periodontal disease is also a huge money savings that can result from professional tooth cleaning. And catching caries before a deep cavity is formed saves suffering as well as tooth structures. Removing stains during the six month check up and cleaning is intended to keep caries from forming but is more valuable than a tube of new lip stick from a cosmetic stand point.

Major Discovery: How Carcinogens Cause Cancer

The current belief in medical research holds that most cancers are caused by exposure to carcinogens, and that carcinogens cause cancer by damaging DNA. However, the huge effort and billions of dollars invested by the NIH, private foundations, and pharmaceutical companies in searching for damaged DNA in cancer has produced few discoveries and little benefits to the public. The reason for this limited success is very simple. The cause of most cancers is not damaged DNA.

Hunting for Genetic Mutations and Cancer
A little background:
1. What is a gene? A gene is an assembly line that produces a protein. A gene is made out of DNA.
2. What are proteins? Proteins are the major building blocks of cells.
3. What is a mutated gene? A mutated gene is a modified assembly line. A modification can take many forms, such as removing an essential part of the assembly line, replacing an important part with junk, etc. Very rarely a mutation is beneficial to the organism (X-Men, Evolution, Lance Armstrong?). In all other cases, a mutated gene is considered damaged DNA.

Current belief:
What is the cause of cancer? The word cause has two meanings. The first refers to the elements in the environment which impact our body, for instance, tobacco, x-ray radiation, asbestos, other chemicals, etc. These elements are called carcinogens. Today, hundreds of substances are classified as carcinogens. The other meaning of the word cause refers to the internal element of the body, which is the first to collapse under the attack of the carcinogens. Let's call this element our "Achilles heel."

The current belief in medical research holds that most cancers are caused by exposure to carcinogens, and that carcinogens cause cancer by mutating genes. In other words, according to the current belief, the structural integrity of our genes is our Achilles heel, and therefore, the first internal element to collapse under the attack of the carcinogens. This belief is so ingrained that the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), an institute at the NIH, recently stated that "all cancers are based on genetic mutations in body cells." Moreover, a search on PubMed, the search engine for scientific papers in life science, with the keywords "Mutation" AND "cancer" produced 86,490 papers and 12,238 reviews. Mutation hunting is also a big business. Look at the NIH budget allocated to discoveries of genetic mutations, the number of biotech companies chasing genetic mutations, the magnitude of the licensing agreements between biotech and pharmaceutical companies aimed to utilize newly discovered genetic mutations, and the number of stories in the media on genetic mutations and their so-called "link" to disease. However, this huge effort and billions of dollars has produced few discoveries and little benefits to the public. The reason for this limited success is simple. The cause of most cancers is not a genetic mutation. Our Achilles heel is not the structural integrity of our genes.

The story of the BRCA1 gene is a typical example of mutation hunting.

The Mystery of BRCA1
Genes, in general, produce proteins, which are the building blocks of cells. The concentration of proteins is tightly regulated. A mutated or physically altered gene produces an abnormal concentration of its protein, which may lead to disease. In 1994, Mark Skolnick, PhD, discovered the BRCA1 gene (BRCA1 is short for BReast CAncer 1). Following the discovery, scientists observed an abnormally low level of the BRCA1 protein in breast cancer tissues. The BRCA1 protein is a cell cycle suppressor, which means that the protein prevents cell replication. This observation created a lot of excitement. At the time, scientists believed that they were on the verge of finding the cause of breast cancer. The reasoning was that breast cancer patients must have a mutated BRCA1 gene, that is, a defected BRCA1 assembly line, which would explain the decreased production of the protein, and the excessive replication of breast cancer cells in tumors.

In the United States, 180,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year. However, the BRCA1 gene is mutated in less than 5% of these cases. In more than 95% of breast cancer patients the gene is not mutated, the assembly line is not defected.

So here is the mystery. If the gene is not mutated in the great majority of the breast cancer patients, why are the tumors showing low levels of the BRCA1 protein? Today, this is one of the biggest mysteries in cancer research.

The BRCA1 gene is not unique. Many normal (perfect shape, non-mutated) genes exhibit a mysterious abnormal (increased or decreased) production of proteins in cancer. Moreover, studies also report abnormal gene expression of normal genes in other diseases, such as atherosclerosis, obesity, osteoarthritis, type II diabetes, alopecia, type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, asthma, lupus, thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and graft versus host disease.

According to Dr. Raxit J. Jariwalla in his European Journal of Cancer paper: (Jariwalla RJ. Microcompetition and the origin of cancer. Eur J Cancer. 2005 Jan;41(1):15-9): "The prevalent view of the nature of cancer holds that it is a complex genetic process resulting from the progressive accumulation of mutations in specific cellular genes, such as proto-oncogenes or tumor-suppressor genes, leading to perturbations in processes involving signal transduction, cell cycle regulation, and/or apoptosis. Genetic instability in tumors has been known for decades, however, the role of genomic instability in causing and promoting tumor growth remains controversial. Furthermore, although many studies report abnormal gene expression in cancer cells, often, no mutations or chemical modifications are observed around the locus of the dysregulated gene(s), suggesting that a genetic alteration is not the initiating event of cancer."

So, if a genetic alteration (also called genetic mutation or damaged DNA) is not the initiating event of most cancers, what is this event? And how do carcinogens produce this initiating event? You can find the answers to these questions at

Present-Day Activities for a Cancer-Free Future

Cancer is defined as the abnormal state of uncontrolled production of one or more cells which eventually hampers normal body functions. This ailment is one of the major causes of deaths around the world. Medical studies show that the elderly have heightened risks of developing cancer because it may take 15 to 45 years for its signs and symptoms to be evident. Some forms of cancer might be genetically inclined while many cancer cells may develop because of unhealthy activities or diets over a long period of time. This article is about the essence of present activities and how it may help in the prevention of cancer.

Eat the right food

Healthy food consumption is the first line of defense against the “Big C.” A diet composed of fruits, vegetables, and fiber are important in promoting overall health and preventing cancer. Vegetables are effective cancer fighters. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a substance that is essential in fighting certain kinds of cancer, while broccoli is contains sulforaphane, another anti-cancer compound. Cauliflower, celery, lentils. peas, and other vegetables also possess anti-cancer properties. Foods like potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pastas, and bread are high on fiber and are essential in flushing carcinogenic compounds out of the body. In addition, the consumption of smoked and charcoal-cooked meats should be controlled. Food cooked over hot flames may absorb certain chemicals that are carcinogenic.

Maintain proper weight

Medical studies show that women who are 40 percent or more above their appropriate weight may face a greater risk of acquiring breast, colon, ovarian, and gallbladder cancers. This is because estrogen stored in excess fat tissue may cause the development of tumors. Overweight or obese men, on the other hand, when diagnosed with prostate cancer still have a high risk of cancer recurrence even after undergoing treatment. A study released by the Massachusetts General Hospital in November 2007 revealed that men with Body Mass Index between 25 and 30 were more than 1.5 times more likely to die from their cancer.

Cut the alcohol and quit smoking

Drinking alcohol, especially coupled with smoking may increase the risk of cancer of the mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, and liver in men, and of breast cancer in women. Excessive alcohol use is responsible for about 18,000 deaths a year while cigarette smoking is responsible for about 30 percent of all cancer deaths.


Exercise may help prevent cancer, this is probably because it helps eliminate excess fat. Many studies show that sedentary individuals have a higher chance of acquiring certain cancers. A workout three times a week about half an hour each session is enough to fight cancer.

Perform self-diagnosis

One of the best defense against cancer is early discovery of any abnormality. The earlier the stage in which a cancer is discovered, the better the chances there are to be cured. Many forms of cancer have higher chances of getting cured if they are detected in their early stages. Consult doctors and other health professionals on how to go through these.

When it comes to cancer, prevention is the only real solution. People should seek the advice of doctors and other health specialists about the signs and symptoms of certain cancers. It is necessary for the prevention of this dreaded disease. There are many kinds of information available on the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and other reading materials. However, these materials are no substitutes to the advice and opinions of doctors and health professionals.

Fight Prostate Cancer in Its Early Stages with a Prostate Self Test

Prostate cancer is one of the deadliest diseases among men, and yet many men are unaware that they have the disease until it's too late. Next to heart attacks, prostate cancer is the leading cause of death for men. Though frequent prostate testing can be less than pleasant (as are many exams such as colon testing or heart stress tests), it's pertinent in the fight of cancer through early detection and treatment.

Early detection through a prostate examination can help you and your doctor determine a course of action to help your prostate potentially heal itself or to surgically remove the prostate gland in time before the disease becomes fatal. Prostate testing reveals if the prostate gland is swollen. Even minimal swelling of the prostate can be a sign that it is getting sick though some prostate gland enlargement often occurs as men age. In some cases, men have been completely healed thanks to early detection of a swollen prostate.

The prostate gland is located just below the bladder, and is normally about the size of a walnut. It surrounds the urethra, and its main function is to carry urine (out of the bladder) and semen through the penis. A man with prostate cancer may experience symptoms such as becoming incontinent or increased urinating frequency, painful ejaculation during sexual intercourse, or pain or a burning sensation while urinating. But with proper testing through a doctor or prostate self test, swelling can be detected before any of these symptoms appear.

Benefits of Prostate Self Tests

Thankfully, there are now prostate self tests that can be performed at home to help in the early detection of this disease. A man who is uncomfortable visiting the doctor may find a prostate self test to be a great solution. The prostate self test works similar to testing in the doctor's office, and should be completed at least once every six months.

A prostate self test involves drinking a certain given amount of water and then using a special medical tool, which can be obtained at any local pharmacy without a prescription, or it can even be obtained online. It is an easy process that any man can do, and the test results can be read using simple instructions. The prostate self test reveals if the prostate gland is swollen. Though the prostate self test is not meant to replace regular doctor visits, it can be used as an in-between testing method to keep check on the state of your prostate gland. If you detect swelling through a prostate self test, do see a doctor right away for further examination and to determine if treatment is needed.

Prostate self tests can be obtained online, and detailed explanations are provided to help you use the test properly. These tests also make excellent gifts for any man over the age of 25, for Father's Day, birthdays, or holidays. Give the gift of life to yourself or a friend or loved one.

With a prostate self test, you can avoid having so many unpleasant doctor visits while staying on top of your male health. Frequent testing is one of the primary preventive measures to help you live a longer, healthier life. Take care of your prostate health with a prostate self test today!

The Culprit Behind Throat Cancer Trend

Despite the active campaign on cancer prevention, the incidence of throat cancers in the United States has not dropped in recent years. In fact, the statistics are even rising in some areas, as opposed to the downward trend in other head and neck cancers that are usually associated with smoking and drinking alcohol.

It is being investigated if infections with the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV) could be the real cause. HPV is a virus that causes infections such as genital warts and most cervical cancers. Recently, researchers have found that the transmission of HPV through oral sex is a potential cause of throat cancer.

Early findings emphasize the importance of research directed at establishing if the newly available HPV vaccine is effective in males. This vaccine is considered to be almost 100% effective in preventing cervical infections. Thus, the medical community and vaccine industry is encouraged to study its role in preventing oral cancer.

At present, tobacco use and drinking alcohol are ranked as the biggest risk factors for head and neck cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, about 90% of patients with these sickness either smoke or chew tobacco, or have done so in the past, and up to 80% of oral cancer patients also drink a lot of alcohol.

The newly published analysis of head and neck cancer trends in the U.S. showed that the decline in smoking has led to a decline in most head and neck cancers over the past two decades. However, throat cancer remains to be the main exception to this trend. This is more specifically defined as cancer of the oropharynx, which includes the tonsils, base of the tongue and soft palate, and side and back of the throat.

Although these cancers are rare, their incidence has remained steady, overall, while tongue cancer rates among young adults have increased. They conclude that this is likely due to HPV infections, which could be spread through oral sex.

Over the last five years, 35% of the throat cancer patients treated at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center had no history of smoking and that close to 90% of patients who had never smoked showed evidence of oral infections with HPV.

The current policy in the U.S. is to recommend HPV vaccine only to young girls aged 11 to 12 years old, and for women up to age 26 who have not received it yet. Researchers concluded that vaccinating only females against HPV could result in a missed opportunity to prevent throat cancers. However, in countries like Australia and Mexico, the HPV vaccine is being offered even to males, though there is still no clinical proof to show that HPV infections in men lead to throat cancer. Studies are now under way to find out if the vaccine can protect boys against genital HPV infections.

“The HPV vaccine could be a very effective protection against cervical cancer, and there is a good chance that it will reduce the incidence of other types of HPV-promoted cancers as well,” said Debbie Saslow, PhD, of the American Cancer Society. “But we have no data to confirm that, and we won’t have any in the near future.”

Breast Cancer - A Death Sentence Caused By Neglect

The biggest majority of women who concern themselves over develping breast cancer are the ones who do not even bother to do a self examination (Not all)
Self inspection of the breasts should be a main priority for every woman. Breast cancer caught in the early stages of growth will give better odds for the patient to control the disease with the help of today`s modern medicines and technology.

Breast cancer is common among the female species and can be a death sentence if ignored. By neglecting yourself in this department with absent regular check ups then you can expect a painful road ahead - comgested of heartache and pain for those close to you as well. Breast cancer is treatable, so now is the time to set a date in the diary for regular self breast examination.

One of the first signs or symptoms of breast cancer is a lump in the breast. You will find that most breast lumps discovered early are rated as 9 out of 10 as being benign. Breast lumpiness can be that of breast change which usually becomes more obvious just before the start of a period, particularly in women over the age of 35

Also cysts/sacs of fluid is not uncommon in the breast tissue causing a feel of lumpiness. Fibroadenoma is a collection of fibrous glandular tissue which is more notably known to occur in younger women
If you notice a change in the shape/size of the breast or a lump even thickening then always check this out with your doctor. Other signs to look out for is dimpling of the skin or nipple shape changing, for example, if ithe nipple turns in or sinks back into the breast. Blood-stained discharge from the nipple or an unusual blemish or rash around the surrounding area needs to be checked out.

A swelling or lump under your armpit can also be a sign. If you have found that you have any of the above symptoms then seek medical attention right away.

Do not worry at this stage because breast lumps as such do not necessarily mean cancer. However the above mentioned inverted nipple or blood stained discharge etc can mean another type of ailment, either way these will need attention

The doctor will examine the breast and if necessary will refer you to a specialist for further checks. If the results from a mammogram or ultra sound shows a cyst, then to have it removed may entail draining it through a fine needle. If the lump is solid then treatment will be with the use of a very fine needle where a sample of tissue will be taken and tested for cancer cells.

This is a disease you can fight but once it spreads, then the breast cancer becomes a battlefield leaving you fighting for survival. Early detection can stop this war.

Cosmetic Surgery for women is common after a a breast operation.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Skin Cancer: Coming to a Face Near You

There are over one million new cases of skin cancer diagnosed every year in the United States, representing about half of all cancers diagnosed in the country. And skin cancer on a dramatic increase. There are twice as many skin cancers in our population today as there were 20 years ago. Given this rate of increase, chances are about 50/50 that you will develop at least one skin cancer lesion if you live to age 70. This is especially true if you are fair-skinned. While skin cancer can occur in people of all races, those with lighter skin have a much higher risk because their skin contains less of the pigment melanin, which helps protect against an overdose of the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays, which can lead to skin cancer over time. The effect is apparently cumulative. A body of evidence also suggests that this also applies if you decide to go the "fake bake" route of the tanning salons.

Thankfully, most skin cancers, about 95 percent, are not life threatening. Skin cancer falls into two broad areas: basal-cell cancer / sqamous-cell cancer, and melanoma. The two most common of these cancers are the basal-cell and sqamous-cell carcinomas. These typically are easily treated, usually with surgery, and rarely lead to death. If neglected, however, over time, these can eventually lead to disfigurement and/or can spread with dire consequences. Only about 5 percent of all skin cancers are malignant melanomas, but these are far more dangerous and account for almost all deaths due to skin cancer. This aggressive form of cancer needs to be addressed immediately. Like most cancers, the risk of malignant melanomas will increase with age. If you feel you have developed any type of skin cancer be sure to see a dermatologist at once.

Most skin cancers, as one might imagine, occur on the face, neck and hands as these are the areas that receive the most exposure to the sun due to the fact that most of us wear clothes. These are also the areas that are most exposed to the view of others. As the usual AMA's (American Medical Association) approach to skin cancer is knife and needle, this can leave unsightly scars just where you might not want any.

But there are alternatives. Having had a number of non-melanoma skin cancers, I've had the opportunity to try both the AMA (have the scars to prove it) as well as several "alternative" approaches. The method of treatment that I've settled on is the herb Chaparral. Chaparral is a plant that grows in the deserts of the southwestern U.S. and has been used historically by the indigenous populations of the region for a number of ailments. Today, it can be found in powder form at most health food stores. A small bag is all one needs and only cost a few bucks. I make a paste by mixing the powder with wheat germ oil (also found at your local health food store) and apply it directly to the lesion. Then I cover it with a Band-Aid. I do this once in the morning (after my shower) and again in the evening for six or seven days- carefully removing the old paste with a Q-tip. The advantages I have found are as follows: No pain. Perhaps a slight tingling at first. As chaparral only targets the cancerous cells, without affecting the surrounding normal tissue, my skin can quickly begin to repair itself naturally after the cancer is gone leaving usually just a "new skin" pink spot for several months. And all this at a fraction of the cost of a surgical procedure.

If this all seems a bit strange to you, please understand that this is nothing new. There are a number of books that have been written that offer other non-evasive, less painful methods of treating basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers as well. I would recommend the book, The Skin Cancer Answer: The Natural Treatment for Basal and Sqamos-Cell Carcinomas and Keratoses. This book is priced right, easy to read and provides you with what many might feel is a better method of treatment. But check around- and see what work best for you, knowing that many others have taken the non-AMA approach. In any event, use a dermatologist to diagnose what type of skin condition you might have, discuss it with him, but know that there may be cost effective, alternatives to the knife and needle.

A Little About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer affects an estimated one out of every six males. Therefore it's understandable that most men want to know at least something about prostate cancer, especially as they are approaching their 40s. This article is going to touch on some of the symptoms and treatments, as well as some of the side effects that come from prostate cancer and prostate cancer treatment. This article is not intended to be a substitution for your doctor's advice, so make sure that you seek a professional opinion if you feel that you may have prostate cancer.

One thing that's important to note is that you may not suffer any symptoms at all. That is why it's very important to be checked for prostate cancer frequently, and especially more so as you get older because they can find the prostate cancer before any symptoms show up at all in most cases. Some men that have prostate cancer may experience some of the following symptoms. Frequent or difficult urination, as well as a weak urine flow, erectile dysfunction as well as painful ejaculation and blood in the urine or semen.

There are many different treatment options for prostate cancer and you will want to discuss these with your doctor or healthcare professional before any decision is made. A few of the choices are active surveillance, radiation or hormone therapy, chemotherapy or surgery. There are also other choices and as I said before you should discuss these with your doctor.

One of the best things that you can do for your prostate is to make sure you take care of it in the first place. This may reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Just knowing some simple things such as taking vitamin E, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and being informed about eating fats and red meat can reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

Breast Cancer Ribbon

These days almost every worthy cause finds itself a proper ribbon, without getting into the debate about the use of ribbons and how people use them, there are not many ribbons that I know of that are more important than the breast cancer ribbon.

Breast cancer is a dangerous enemy, while it is true that the awareness to its risks and the understanding of the prevention measures that need to be taken on a regular basis has increased over the years and had probably saved many lives, some people are still not aware of breast cancer and others prefer to live in some sort of denial.

So why is it important to use the pink ribbon and join the fight against breast cancer? First of all it shows the most important thing a person can show, it shows that you care, its shows that you are willing to give a little of your time or energy to try and educate more people, to warn some others and to maybe, just by doing this very small action contribute to saving a life. This is not a joke, sometimes awareness is all that separates the ill from the healthy and the dead from the living, we are at an age where people are learning of new dangers every day, and with all these upcoming potential dangers of terrorism and natural disasters breast cancer has been here long enough and has cause so much pain and suffering that it certainly deserves to be treated as something we should all remember, even on a daily basis.

Every October is the international breast cancer awareness month, this is the time to try and do the most to increase the public awareness of this disease, and educate woman about the ways they can fight breast cancer, this month is also dedicated to raising money for the many different organizations and foundations that are working all year round on helping victims of breast cancer, some of these patients have no money and no funds they can use to try and treat the cancer, and these organizations help them get the support that they need.

So all you got to do is just place one of these pink ribbons on your shirt of jacket, and show the solidarity you have with the breast cancer patients, the victims and the family and friends of those who have been effected by this terrible disease. Remember that you do not have to limit yourself only to the month of October, and that it is enough for only one person to ask you about this ribbon – once a year to make a huge difference, think about hundreds, if not thousands of people like you doing the same thing every day, and each one of these people is approached by an uneducated person, how many lives can be speared.

Lets hope that in the future the fight against breast cancer, as the fight against all kinds of cancer, will achieve its goals and that this disease will claim less victims, that modern medicine and science will find cures and that more and more people around the world will live healthier and happier lives.

Visit for more Breast Cancer information.

Women and Lung Cancer: Researchers Look For Gender Connection. Female Cancer Patients Sought For Large-Scale Clinical Trial

According to a recent survey on health concerns, women fear breast cancer most. Despite the fears expressed in the survey, conducted by the International Communications Research of Media for the Society of Women's Health Research in 2005, lung cancer is actually the leading cancer killer of women. Lung cancer takes the lives of approximately 68,000 women each year.

While smoking is the biggest risk factor for lung cancer, there is growing evidence that points to gender differences in the risk of developing lung cancer and the implications for treating the disease in men and women.

For example, while the number of men diagnosed with lung cancer has been going down, the number of women has risen 60 percent since 1990. In addition, women who are nonsmokers are 2.5 times more likely to develop lung cancer than men who are nonsmokers.

Scientific evidence points to estrogen as a factor in the difference between how lung cancer acts in men versus women. That biological difference promises to have important implications for lung cancer treatments.

It is believed that the estrogen in women may influence lung tumor growth by causing the synthesis of tumor-promoting proteins. Since women have higher levels of estrogen than men, and younger women have higher levels of estrogen than older women, this may in part be responsible for their higher risk for nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Developing therapies that are favorably influenced by estrogen may provide a gender-targeted therapeutic approach to the treatment of the disease.

Researchers are currently studying a novel approach to targeting lung cancer in women that relies on a chemotherapy agent that exploits the presence of estrogen in women and its effect on the metabolism of proteins in the cancer cell. Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (CTI) developed XYOTAX (paclitaxel poliglumex) initially as a lung cancer drug for all patients-regardless of gender. Retrospective analysis of two Phase III clinical trials found the drug, as compared to standard chemotherapy treatments, had a significant survival advantage in women while having equivalent survival in men.

New clinical trial

Now, Cell Therapeutics is embarking on another clinical study exclusively in women to see if the theory proves true in a larger population of women. The trial, known as PIONEER, is the first approval trial for lung cancer exclusively targeting women and is expected to enroll 600 patients with advanced lung cancer.

Mesothelioma, a Cancer You Shouldn't Have Had to Deal With

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. This disease attacks the protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs and in almost all cases is fatal, although new treatments for cancer are always underdevelopment giving us hope we may live cancer free sometime in the future.

You can avoid mesothelioma by not exposing yourself to asbestos. Typically a worker was exposed to asbestos on their job. In the past asbestos was widely used in the large industrial manufacturing industry, the automotive industry and the heating and ventilating industry. Typical exposure is from inhaling asbestos dust a by product of manufacturing. When the worker goes home, their family experiences secondary exposure to the asbestos dust on their clothing.

In residential construction during 1960's and 1970's, asbestos was commonly use to seal leaks and seams on heating ducts in residential houses and in other heating and ventilation systems. Exposure to asbestos dust comes when the asbestos seal begins to breakdown and gives off the deadly asbestos dust particles. So, if you are buying an older home, be certain to have it inspected for asbestos. If found, asbestos can be removed or sealed with a protective cover to prevent exposure to humans.

Detection of mesothelioma and drawing the connection between work-related hazards wasn't always realized. It has only come to light recently that large corporations were negligent in exposing their workers to asbestos dust. This is due to the fact that it takes some time for the cancer to form. Most families were so consumed with helping their loved ones; they failed to realize the cancer they were battling was actually caused by the working conditions of a loved one.

If an individual was exposed to asbestos during their working career then the corporation employing them is at fault and is responsible for the damages resulting from the asbestos caused mesothelioma. Individuals and families battling mesothelioma and facing the loss of a loved one need realize and understand their legal rights.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma then you need to consult with a mesothelioma lawyer to understand your legal rights. This type of lawyer is experienced with asbestos related cases and taking on the large corporations and winning. Typically, a mesothelioma lawyer will review your case at little or no charge to evaluate if you have a case. If it is determined you do they will handle the lawsuit for damages from the corporation responsible.

It is a shame to think your life or a loved ones life is cut short due to the negligence of a corporation not controlling the exposure to asbestos. You may be uncomfortable with a lawsuit, but it is your legal right to seek adequate compensation for your life or a loved ones being cut short and the resulting impact of not being able to provide for the family any longer.

Asbestos caused mesothelioma is a preventable disease and it's sad to think an employee who works hard for a corporation is actually killed slowly by the exposure to asbestos. If you're dealing with mesothelioma in your life, seek the help of a mesothelioma lawyer to ensure your financial future peace of mind while you and your family deal with the loss of a loved one.

Alternative medicine cervical cancer prevention

Cervical cancer is the second-most common cancer in young women and is one of the most common causes of cancer deaths among women, particularly in minorities and
in impoverished countries. Like all cancers, cancer of the cervix is much more likely to be cured if it is detected early and treated immediately at its initial stage with the alternative medicine through natural medications with no side effects at our center.

Cancer of the cervix occurs when the cells of the cervix change in a way that leads to abnormal growth and invasion of other tissues or organs of the body.It is caused primarily by a sexually transmitted infection with an oncogenic strain of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Studies have shown dietary intervention and nutrient supplementation to be effective in preventing cervical cancer. Additionally, local escharotic treatment combined with systemic treatment shows significant potential in reducing dysplasia

Cancer that forms in tissues of the cervix (organ connecting the uterus and vagina). It is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms, but can be found with regular Pap smears (procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and looked at under a microscope).

The uterine cervix is the lowest portion of a woman's uterus (womb). Most of the uterus lies in the pelvis, but part of the cervix is located in the vagina, where it connects the uterus with the vagina.
* One of the key features of cervical cancer is its slow progression from normal cervical tissue, to precancerous (or dysplastic) changes in the tissue, to invasive cancer.
* The slow progression through numerous precancerous changes is very important because it provides opportunities for prevention and early detection and treatment.

Other possible risk factors include the following:
* Giving birth to many children.
* Having many sexual partners.
* Having first sexual intercourse at a young age.
* Smoking cigarettes.
* Oral contraceptive use (the Pill).
* Weakened immune system.

Cervical cancers don't always spread, but those that do most often spread to the lungs, the liver, the bladder, the vagina, and/or the rectum.

Self-treatment is not appropriate for cancer under most circumstances. Without medical treatment, the cancer will continue to grow and spread. Eventually vital body organs will not be able to function properly because the cancer will take their oxygen and nutrients, crowd them out, or injure them. The result is very often death.

Although self-treatment is inappropriate, there are things you can do to reduce the physical and mental stresses of your cancer and its treatment.

Maintaining good nutrition is one of the best things you can do.
* You may lose your appetite during your treatment.
* Common side effects
* People who eat well, take in enough calories and protein.
* keeping up your calorie and protein intake.

The following lifestyle changes may help keep you stronger and more comfortable during treatment:
* Engage in mild physical activity
* Rest is equally important
* Quit smoking.
* Avoid alcohol.

Treatment of cervical cancer is directed at preventing precancerous cells from becoming cancerous cells.
* This is usually a step-by-step process
* The deepest cells must be removed

Cervical cancer begins with abnormal changes in the cervical tissue. The risk of developing these abnormal changes has been associated with certain factors, including previous infection with human papilloma virus (HPV), early sexual contact, multiple sexual partners, cigarette smoking and taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

Treatment of cervical cancer is directed at preventing precancerous cells from becoming cancerous cells.The key to preventing invasive cervical cancer is to detect any cell changes early, before they become cancerous. Regular pelvic examinations and Pap smears are the best way to do this.

Avoidance of human papillomavirus infection is becoming increasingly important in the prevention of precancerous and cancerous changes of the cervix.
* Early age at first intercourse is associated with increased risk
* Likewise, barrier protection, such as condom use, may prevent HPV infection, although this has not yet been fully studied.
* Early tests found an experimental vaccine to be effective against the virus responsible for half of all cases of cervical cancer.
*. Quitting smoking may decrease your chances of developing cervical cancer.
* Genetic material that comes from certain forms of HPV has been found in cervical tissues that show cancerous or precancerous changes.
* These findings demonstrate a strong link between the virus and cervical cancer.
* Because HPV can be transmitted by sexual contact, early sexual contact and having multiple sexual partners have been identified as strong risk factors for the development of cervical lesions that may progress to cancer.

Possible signs of cervical cancer include vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain.These and other symptoms may be caused by cervical cancer. Other conditions may cause the same symptoms. A doctor should be consulted if any of the following problems occur:
* Vaginal bleeding.
* Unusual vaginal discharge.
* Pelvic pain.
* Pain during sexual intercourse.

Tests that examine the cervix are used to detect (find) and diagnose cervical cancer.
Certain factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.

Treatment options depend on the following:
* The stage of the cancer.
* The size of the tumor.
* The patient's desire to have children.
* The patient’s age.
* The type of cervical cancer.

Treatment of cervical cancer during pregnancy depends on the stage of the cancer and the stage of the pregnancy. For cervical cancer found early or for cancer found during the last trimester of pregnancy, treatment may be delayed until after the baby is born.

The process used to find out if cancer has spread within the cervix or to other parts of the body is called staging. The information gathered from the staging process determines the stage of the disease. It is important to know the stage in order to plan treatment

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Can Diet and Exercise Help Prevent Cancer?

While everyone is well aware that proper diet and exercise are paramount to good health, still many people find it too much of an inconvenience to watch what they eat and to exercise. These people may feel that the benefits that they may get from all that effort is not worth the hassles of watching calories, cutting fat, running about, and moving weights around. But what if there was a benefit, and I mean a real good benefit, associated with proper diet and exercise? Maybe that would at least make those who don’t worry about diet and exercise give a little more thought to it.

Well, as if the already known benefits of proper diet and exercise aren’t enough to make some people want to incorporate them into their lives, perhaps the following information from Purdue University and Science Daily will be enough incentive to get them off their duff’s and give it a try.

According to Dennis Savaiano, dean of Purdue’s school of consumer and family sciences and professor of foods and nutrition, poor diet and lack of exercise are responsible for just as many cases of cancer as cigarette smoking.
He says, “approximately one third of cancer cases are related to smoking, one third are related to poor diet and lack of exercise, and one third are related to genetic or other factors”.

Most people are already well aware of the ill health effects of cigarette smoking, but the percentage of obesity and the rate of poor diet in America is a cause for serious concern. It is estimated that 65% of Americans are overweight with 30% being at least clinically obese. This is further escalated by the fact that 15 to 20% of the children in America are considered overweight. The main reason for this alarming statistic overall is the rate of poor diet seen in America.

Savaiano, who is chairman of the Food and Nutrition Science Alliance, along with several other members of the organization, recently reviewed scientific studies on diet and cancer. The group has since issued a statement urging Americans to change their diets in order to help reduce the number of cancer related deaths.

While Savaiano notes that some types of cancer are influenced more by diet than others, nutrition and food scientists agree that these four methods are practical ways to lower the risk of cancer:

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Avoid highly processed foods that are high in fat and sugar.

Limit or avoid consumption of alcohol.

Get in some moderate or vigorous exercise daily.

Much of the reason why people have trouble getting into a healthy lifestyle can be attributed to lack of knowledge on how to start with exercise programs and proper diet plans, and to marketing which is mostly geared toward foods that are high in fat and excess calories and low in nutritional value. Not much marketing is done to promote fruits and vegetables or whole grains.

Long hours at work also attribute to less meal preparation and more fast food and takeout food purchases. It will take some effort on your part, but making healthier food choices and exercise a part of your life can and most likely will give you rewards that no amount of money can buy.

Handling Pain While Dealing With Cancer

Cancer is associated with a lot of things. Grief, sadness, death, chemotherapy, baldness, and many others are all words or

things that have some sort of link to another. However, one thing that is prevalent, no matter what form of cancer one has,

is pain. The fact is, cancer causes pain and, in some extreme cases, the therapy needed to put the cancer in recession also

causes its share of pain. While not everyone that has cancer requires regular doses of pain relief medication, there is a

large segment of them that do. Just what is it about cancer, and some of the treatments for it, that causes so much pain?

Cancer can cause pain by its very nature. As the core of the cancerous cells spreads, it begins to kill more and more of the

healthy cells around it. In some people, this process can have them reaching for pain relief drugs rather quickly, while for

others, it may not even register. Also, as the cancerous tumor grows in the body, it starts to put a large amount of pressure

on whatever organs or systems are around it. Depending on the cancer, this can include muscles, lungs, the heart, or the

brain. This pressure can also trigger a powerful pain response in a number of patients. Finally, the cancer may secrete a

number of chemicals that can cause the brain to register a pain response, though this is a trait that does not appear in all

known cancers.

The medication for these problems generally does not wander very far from standard pain relief medications. Among the more

commonly suggested medications are analgesics, such as aspirin or Tylenol. These drugs are relatively low-intensity, which is

usually fine for most cancer patients, particularly if the tumor cells have gone into recession. For instances when something

more potent is needed to provide the patient with pain relief, there are other options that a doctor can look into. For

moderate cases, some doctors will rely on low-strength opioids such as codeine, or non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs

such as ibuprofen. Finally, in the most drastic cases, high-intensity opioids can also be used, though these are only rarely

prescribed due to their highly addictive nature.

Some people might complain that they aren't getting adequate medication or treatment for their condition. One factor behind

this might have to do with the knowledge of the doctor in charge. There are some doctors who do not ask about pain in cancer

patients, and are thus unaware of the problem. There are also some doctors who do not have the knowledge necessary to

properly treat pain. If that is the case, it is acceptable and advisable to ask that you be referred to a pain specialist to

help with the problem. However, if the patient himself refuses or is reluctant to reveal that they are feeling pain, then the

doctor can do very little. It is best to remember that a doctor is only able to treat the problems that he is aware of, so

keeping him in the dark might do more harm than the illness itself.

Understanding The Relation Between Asbestos Exposure And Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

An understanding of asbestos is necessary before we try to understand mesothelioma lung cancer. Asbestos, a natural fibrous mineral, used commonly in construction process and manufacturing industries is detrimental to human health. Continuous inhalation of its fibers enhances the susceptibility to respiratory disorders and can lead to many dangerous diseases. A leading example of such dangerous disease is Mesothelioma lung cancer. Actually, mesothelioma lung cancer is misnomer because mesothelioma cancers affect the lining of lungs (pleura) and abdomen and not the lungs. Since mesothelioma cancers mostly affect the lining of the lungs, it is generally called mesothelioma lung cancer. The workers who had worked in industries such as shipbuilding, asbestos mining, and asbestos production are vulnerable to mesothelioma cancers.

Mesothelioma and the Role of Carcinogens:

What is mesothelioma cancer and how does the lining of the lung become cancerous? Cancer is a tumor that is malignant in nature. Tumor is formed when there is abnormal cell division and cell multiplication in the cancerous cells. Exposure to carcinogens or cancer-causing material like cigarette smoke, asbestos and silica dust is instrumental in this abnormal cell division and formation of tumor.

Mesothelioma cancer is directly linked to asbestos exposure. However, those already exposed to asbestos have a greater chance of developing lung cancer if they are exposed to other carcinogens such as cigarette smoke. A study reports that the workers with a history of asbestos exposure and cigarette smoke are more prone to lung cancer than the non-smokers and those with no history of asbestos exposure.

Complications Associated with Mesothelioma Cancer:

Normally, the latency stage for asbestos-related diseases in general and mesothelioma cancers of the lining of lung in particular, 20-50 years, which makes detection of Mesothelioma a complicated issue. This situation is further aggravated particularly where the worker is also addicted to cigarette smoking. By the time, the disease shows its symptoms, a considerable exposure to additional carcinogens linked to cigarette smoking has already taken place. This makes a worker more vulnerable to lung cancer besides the vulnerability to mesothelioma cancers.

Mesothelioma Cancers and Legal Redress:

The Government is conscious of the ill effects of asbestos exposure and the seriousness of mesothelioma cancer. The employees working in factories with significant risk of asbestos exposure are eligible for Mesothelioma compensation, if the exposure is the cause of Mesothelioma. There has been a spate of lawsuits for seeking compensation for mesothelioma and lung cancers. In many cases, the courts have awarded heavy sums as compensation against the asbestos manufacturing companies.

Cancer Prevention: Eat Your Cabbage?

Can eating your broccoli and cabbage help protect you against lung cancer? According to a study published in the October 29, 2005 issue of the British medical journal, Lancet, the answer is yes.

This isn’t the first time that it’s been suggested that cruciferous vegetables may have a preventive effect against lung cancer, but it is the largest scale study to date. There have been a number of smaller observational studies that reported a possible link between the vegetables and lung cancer prevention, but they were considered to be too small to be definitive. This study, conducted by a group of researchers at the Genetic Epidemiology Group at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, compared 2,141 people diagnosed with lung cancer with a group of healthy people in the Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. They chose countries where the consumption of vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts has been traditionally high.

“We found protective effects with at least weekly consumption of cruciferous vegetables,” the research letter in the Lancet stated.

Researchers believe that the beneficial effects of cruciferous vegetables are due to the high content of isothiocyanates, phytonutrients that seem to have a strong anti-cancer effect. They are a more bioavailable form of glucosinolates, which also have been shown to have anti-cancer effects. The research conducted at Lyons takes the knowledge a step further.

Studies have shown that isothiocyanates neutralize cancerous cells by inhibiting cell proliferation. The cycle of a normal cell in the body proceeds from cell division, through specialization, and eventually, when the cell has either become damaged or has finished doing its job, to apoptosis – or cell death. The problem with cancer cells is that they don’t go through apoptosis. For some reason, their mutations make them resistant to the message that it’s time to die. Isothiocyanates appear to be a catalyst that triggers apoptosis. In laboratory experiments, they’ve induced apoptosis in a number of cell lines. They also seem to slow proliferation of a number of types of cancer cells, including lung cancer lines.

The researchers at Lyons found that there is also a correlation between genetics and the preventive effect of cruciferous vegetables. There are two genes that produce an enzyme that remove isothiocyanates from the body. The Lyons study correlated the results from a diet questionnaire with blood tests to determine whether those studied had inactive or active forms of those genes. They found that in people who had an inactive form of one of the two genes had a 37% lower risk of developing lung cancer. Those with an inactive form of the other had a 33% lower risk of developing lung cancer. In those with both genes inactive, there was a 72% reduction in lung cancer risk. In those who had two active gene types, there was no difference in risk at all.

Said Paul Brennan, lead author of the research letter, “…this indicates that there is a specific protective effect against lung cancer from cruciferous vegetables.”

Random trials to absolutely confirm the findings would be expensive and time consuming, Brennan notes. In the meantime, though, including cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli or turnips in your diet at least once a week may help reduce your risk of developing lung cancer.